May 31, 2010


It's raining again.

May 26, 2010

Go for it! Make a Difference!

Food has always been an important thing in my life. I've spent my early teenage days in a kitchen, cooking, experimenting, chopping, mixing, and bringing a smile to my family's faces.

When I was a kid, I would cry like crazy if my parents would offer me a green vegetable thing. I remember how my father would use to make us eat spinach and my trowing up face each time when I would put just a bit of it in my mouth.

Later trough the years, food became a sort of a therapy for me. Everything would make sense in the kitchen. There isn't anything in the whole world that can bring such a comfort on a bad day. And let me tell you, I have had them. But when a food becomes a therapy session, it creates so many problems, which I have become aware of, only recently. Becoming bigger and bigger, is only one, possibly, the smallest thing.

I remember how I used to sit in my room, alone, not having any friends, and not showing interest in making any. Well, why would I? You cannot depend on them. And yet, food was always there.

Do you know to how many doctors my mother took me, because I wasn't able to process the food. I can still remember all the stomach ache and horrible cramps I was experiencing.

Approximately a decade ago ( during my TV addiction ) I have discovered this " naked chef ". I was instantly attracted to his passion for cooking, and I have became a regular follower of his shows. Luckily I was raised in a culture where home cooking is not a strange action that no one practices, so it was quite easy to follow his advices and to create a fabulous dish.

As I was becoming older, my perspective on food didn't change a lot. But what have changed is my knowledge of a food.

So I'm a vegetarian now. It started as a "love for animals", and yes, I still refuse to kill in order to have a meal. For some time I was quite happy whit the relationship and a perspective I have for the food. Then I've started reading and exploring and trying to make some influence to the people I was surrounded. I was out of my mind angry when I became aware that my 6 years old niece is having a potato chips for a breakfast. Each morning! So I started explaining to her what will that chips do to her body, and what healthy food is. And what's scary is the fact that me, 27 year old vegetarian, did not put a green vegetable in her body for months! And let me not started with the preparing the food for myself.

You gonna see me in a big supermarket reading the ingredients on the back of each product I think I wanna buy. And you gonna see me putting back each product I take, because it's all sugar and artificial things.

I keep reminding myself to cook, and I live alone, so all of you with the same situation, you know how hard is to cook only for one person.

I keep reminding myself to go to the market and buy some salad, it's spring, so there is a plenty of things. I still haven't done it.

So, I'm concerned about my health. Sometimes I get pissed of to myself, because I don't take care. Today I cried. I watched Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. And it's amazing, wonderful, beautiful, important, mind blowing, honest and deserves a respect from every person in this planet.

I honestly think that this is the greatest thing in the whole world that has ever been done. Why? Well, the food it's just a beginning. When we change the food we are eating, we can change the world. This revolution can resolve and clear the economy a big companies monopoly. Health issues and modern diseases will no longer exist. It can create a healthy relationship with the food, and a relationship among the people.

That's why I support Jamie, that's why I commit to eat good, start cooking again, and becoming a public speaker to "processed food" issues.

My friends, I might become annoying.

Making a Difference!

May 21, 2010


My Thursday was filled whit mixed and opposite emotions.

I was feeling marvelous after reading a new blog entry from my favorite blogger, and I was pissed off after a fight I had whit my sister, and happy for finally making a proper food to eat, and angry because of another raining afternoon, and spilled coffee, and excited to come to work to my newly assigned duties, and furious because people do not act the way I want to.

I love to feel! Isn't it the most fabulous thing in the world? To feel?

So why this blog entry?

All of these mixed up emotions made me think.

So I fell all the love in this world for a virtual guy, which I don't really know if I'll ever meet, and when it comes to real, everyday people, why do I so easily loose this love?

Why can I whit the same desire expect whit what will my 6 years old niece surprise me next.

Why do I so easily hang up on my sister?

When did I last time said to my mother I love you? And I do.

I think I'm scared of emotions. I don't even know how to recognize all of them and which names to give them. My parents never learned me how. They never supported the whole idea of expressing the emotions. And now when my feelings are so strong that I feel my body is going to fall apart, my body reacts in a self - defense way.

Tears in the eyes, uncontrollable laughter, and what's the voice that's coming out from my mouth?

And no matter if those are positive emotions, my body is fighting.

My dear friends, please push to my emotions.

May 17, 2010

you never know...

what will new day bring to you.

on this unusually cold day of May, I had ( and still do ) the pleasure to enjoy in the beautiful sounds of she & him.

Something old, but jet different, and surprisingly refreshing and easy, and somehow I feel like I'm driving a car on a worm spring day and the wind is playing whit my hair...

Be Love,


May 8, 2010

lucky to be:

TED translator.

On this very special day I wanna tell you more about TED.
I have been translating TED talks for quite few months now, and I wish that all of my friends would do the exact same thing.


Because we are strangers, and we rarely do talk about the things that are important to us, about things we would like to change, and the ways to do so.

Why TED?

Because TED will give you a brand new perspective about the world, people, world problems, world humor, science and passion.

In a funny and interesting way, you will realize how easy is to be a better person in this world.

How simple ideas can create new world, where environment, hunger, pollution, processed food, health and peace issues are not issues, but part of our global past.

Do you think we can do it?

Do you think we can awake people and make them visible?

I do.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be blogging about it.

Your Eco - friendly friend,
