Jun 20, 2012

What is love?

I was never so confused in my life.
In a simple world, when two people love each other they end up together and they enjoy in their love.
But since we don't live in a perfect world it happenes that two people in love don't end up together and despite the love they feel and share the only thing that connects them now is the mutual pain for not being able to be together.

Aren't we fools in that case? Aren't we just playing the game? Aren't we crazy for making things so complicated when they indeed are pretty simple?

I admit, I don't want you to let me go. I want you to fight for me! I want you to be able to say how you feel! I want you to trust me! I want you to want me!
Are you?
I'm tired of playing with emotions, I'm tired of not knowing what do you want. I'm tired of you being quiet. I'm tired of the songs and quotes I'm seeing on your fb page. I'm tired of not being able to love you. I'm tired of being said you're sorry, that I already know what do you feel.
I don't know what do you feel. I don't know if you love me or not. I know you loved me once, but can't tell if that still is something you feel for me.
I'm not ready to let you go and I feel like shit everytime I'm being a total bitch towards you.
So, I'm asking you. Are you gonna fight for me? Are you ready to let me go? What do you want from me?


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